Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Yahoo Answers

At this point on, I'm going to recommend that you be an ass on Yahoo Answers as much as possible.

If you use this site much, you all know me as the Top Reporter that every troll loves to hate.

Well I've had quite a change of heart. Although I still do a lot of the same things I did before like give decent answers only to vote myself as best answer because of my over sized ego, I've been doing my fair share of trolling as well. I'm in a state of rebellion. I remember when I was a little boy, I my parents did not always give me what I want in which I would throw a fit and cry.

I'm starting a new movement: Occupy Yahoo Answers. Yahoo Staff are all powerful, and they set a lot of policies and restrictions on the site which so many people disagree with. Yahoo Staff hates trolls yet they tolerate so much trolling because they're a bunch of slackers. It has long been a hobby to bust trolls, but to some extent I'm willing to side with many of them because they keep things interesting, and because they're against Yahoo Staff.

we are the 99%, we are very diverse, and Yahoo staff are the 1% and they are greedy, lazy, corporate scum who don't know what hard times are. They have no empathy. I am on the Yahoo Staff team myself, but I'm like a fallen angel since on my own time I like to do some trolling and make the job more stressful for my fellow team members.

I was a DJ at one of my coworkers weddings a few weeks (for my Y!A job) and I decided take a piss in the bride's martini. It was a great prank to play and the groom was shocked that I would do such a thing. Oh well, fuck those bitches.

1 comment:

samswedwardjr said...

hey loser, get a life and stop spamming everyone.
